Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Eva Longoria Pretty Much Naked

When an actress goes naked, the resulting pictures always manage to generate such a debate that it kinda takes all the fun out of seeing them. Eva Longoria and her sexy photo shoot for the March issue of 'Arena' magazine make no exception to that rule.

Although many admit that she looks more than stunning (especially in that photo with the chains), there are those few who claim that she finally reached rock bottom. Their reasoning is as follows: she hasn't done anything besides the ABC hit 'Desperate Housewives' and is desperate to get some media attention. She is trying to compensate the lack of media coverage for her acting skills with attention to her naked body, all the while claiming to be a 'serious' actress who won't show any skin in front of the camera.

Then again, there is the opposite to that, with people saying that she is doing nothing else than being proud of her body. They say she is not a hypocrite or a prude, because she actually has the guts to show off her gorgeous body and that she should be applauded for that. That's just to give you a fair idea of what these sizzling hot pics have made people talk about on various forums and blogs. Personally, I say: screw that! We shouldn't look at these photos and judge Eva for appearing in them (although we all knew this time would come sooner or later). Stripping completely of all their clothes and then posing for a famous magazine is something most women in showbiz do. It's a common practice by now and, the bigger the magazine that asks them to do it and the bigger the sum offered for each item of clothing taken off, the bigger a star they are.

It's a fact of life by now: we can say, we are human, we are born, we grow, have children, then age and fade away. Then, we could take this, change it a bit and then apply it to female celebrities (and sometimes men, too): we breakthrough into showbiz, we ascend, we pose naked, we ascend some more and then we fade away. See? A fact of life!

Returning to the photos, I say we should totally congratulate Eva (and Photoshop, of course) for doing this photo shoot! It's one of the hottest I have seen recently and I swear I will never look at chains the same way I did until now. So, dears, enjoy and leave the judgment for later!

source: Softpedia News

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